China has become Brazil’s main trading partner and bilateral agreements tend to grow in the next years.

Accordingly, both countries have been investing in cooperation strategies, also in the field of education, since it will be the youth of today – both in Brazil and in China – who will experience such economic, social and cultural approximation, in its positive and negative aspects.

However, so far, the efforts towards scientific exchange and joint research are more directed towards higher education. Research about basic education is still scarce.

In this respect, this research project intends to perform a comparative study of Gaokao and Enem, large-scale exams that give access to higher education in China and Brazil. It aims to gain knowledge of the development of both proposals, with their guiding theoretical-methodological, political and cultural assumptions, as well as the experience of implementing the respective exams.

Its purpose is to understand the functioning, adequacy and goals of each exam, allowing for discussions on the schooling paths of those who take the tests, of their use as a model for assessment of secondary education and selection for entrance into higher education.

Secondary education represents a formative stage in young people’s lives, not only intellectual-cognitive, but also a time to build identities and the sense of belonging to groups, of creating life projects that take place based on very distinct socioeconomic conditions and biographical-family paths.

Thus, it becomes important to learn about this stage of basic education, what and how learning and teaching are taking place in Brazilian and Chinese secondary education, as well as the strategies developed to face the inequalities among schools in different regions and localities in both countries.

Keywords: Youth. Secondary Education. Curriculum. Large-scale assessment. Gaokao. Enem.


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    • To understand the functioning of the Enem (Brazil) and Gaokao (China) exams, aiming at contributing to the discussion on the validity of the large-scale secondary education assessment models that have begun being utilized for one to enter higher education in both countries.


    • To contribute towards the development of scientific exchange strategies between Brazil and China, in order to strengthen the cooperation between BRICS countries, in the field of education.


    • To identify the theoretical-methodological, political and cultural assumptions guiding the Enem and Gaokao exams, as well as the learning already acquired in each country, from their implementation;


    • To conduct a comparative study that allows for a comprehension that goes beyond the exams, towards learning with and about the other, aiming to broaden the possibilities of dialog about problems in secondary education faced by both countries;


    • To contribute towards the production of knowledge about BRICS countries in the educational field, by means of reading and analysis of normative texts (which will be translated into Portuguese) and academic production on this research topic.


    • To make public the research findings, in order to offer subsidies for the formulation of educational policies for Brazilian secondary education


    • To contribute towards forming a network of researchers from and about BRICS countries, in the field of education.


    • To contribute towards the development of scientific exchange strategies between Brazil and China, in order to strengthen the cooperation between BRICS countries, in the field of education.


    • To conduct a comparative study that allows for a comprehension that goes beyond the exams, towards learning with and about the other, aiming to broaden the possibilities of dialog about problems in secondary education faced by both countries;


    • To make public the research findings, in order to offer subsidies for the formulation of educational policies for Brazilian secondary education


Contributions of the Research

Based on the reading and analysis of legislation, curricular guidelines and regulatory acts, on academic production and interviews with managers, this research will present consolidated information on the organization and management of secondary education in China and Brazil. Above all on the processes for assessment of this stage of education, and on policies for access to higher education that make use of large-scale exams. The researchers involved in the project have proven experience in the fields of comparative education and international cooperation. Thus, they will be able to contribute toward the development of scientific exchange strategies between Brazil and China, producing knowledge of the theme, fostering the exchange of students and researchers between Brazilian and Chinese universities, and proposing to begin a project for forming a network of researchers from and about the BRICS countries, in the field of education.